
Collectable vegan friendly, recycled fabric dolls.

The Crafting Creativity Project – 8 Steps to inspire creative practice everyday.

craft /krɑːft/ verb  –  gerund or present participle: crafting Exercise skill in making (an object), typically by hand. I’m sure you know what it’s like, when you have dozens of half-finished projects lying about in baskets and bags or piled-up in the corner of a room. Procrastination and guilt have almost certainly set-in, a fear

The Crafting Creativity Project – 8 Steps to inspire creative practice everyday. Read More »

recyclable fabrics scraps no waste

Collecting recyclable fabrics – 8 ideas for sourcing, free or very cheap, fabrics.

Consumerism – are we a throw-away society? To say I’m passionate about reducing waste is probably an understatement. Brought up in a home of 3 children with parents who remember post WWII rationing, we were taught to be frugal and to not waste anything. Me and my sisters would often joke about Mum’s elastic meals and

Collecting recyclable fabrics – 8 ideas for sourcing, free or very cheap, fabrics. Read More »

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